Huxley Forums Huxley, Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter MMOFPS en Wed, 30 Jun 2010 17:35:39 GMT vBulletin 60 Huxley Forums Dust 514.. Sat, 12 Jun 2010 06:57:35 GMT well i officially gave up on huxley, as it's just now in closed beta it seems. which means it will not come out until 2011 at best.
I know many of you wanted an MMOFPS, some of us like me wanted and MMO on consoles.
well Dust 514 was announced a few years ago by a company who seems to actually do stuff, CCP.
CCP runs the game called Eve online, an MMO in space that has all one server cluster, no server shards or picking "realms" such as wow or other games. 50k people in one universe at one time ( usually 50k people at once with over 300k subscriptions)

now for Dust 514, it is an FPS that connects to Eve online to take over planets in Eve it will be stand alone but still have the ability to connect and fight by being hired by eve players.
Dust will be console only- PC players go play eve i guess.
some info
the Trailer
YouTube - DUST 514
DUST 514 - First Person Shooter / MMO Hybrid
the fansite has alot of info but not all confirmed of course but i can say a few things that are the Gist of what it will be

Eve online players will be able to conquer planets of other players by hiring Dust players, who are basicly mercaneries
there will be vehicles and what seems to be aircraft
here are 2 bad quality videos of the dev's playing
YouTube - DUST 514 Gameplay Footage - Part 1
YouTube - Dust 514 Gameplay Footage - Part 2

it looks like what huxley might have been, at least a little and since it connects to an established MMO for PC players it will come out

thanx everone, good luck on huxley ]]>
Huxley General usrevenge
How do i know if my Hangame account is ban? Wed, 09 Jun 2010 06:43:28 GMT Hi. I am new here and had read through the Hangame Registration Guide. However, i would like to know what error message should i be seeing or... Hi.

I am new here and had read through the Hangame Registration Guide.

However, i would like to know what error message should i be seeing or getting if my hangame account is ban?

is it something like this?

해지신청 처러 중인 아이더 입너다
Filed under Termination cheoreo ahyideo ipneoda


지금접속하신 아이디는 해지신청처리중인 아이디입니다
Now you have Author access the revocation request is being processed ID
고객센터로 문의해주세요.
Please contact customer service.

need help.
thank you! ]]>
Huxley Beta rasunin
Obama Makes Appearance in 1993 Music Video Whoomp there it i Tue, 08 Jun 2010 19:45:32 GMT This is definitely serious, i saw the video on youtube its hilarious just go to YouTube and search for "Whoomp there it is Tag Team" and you will see the music video. Obama looks young, he is the guy playing dominoes and talking on the Huge cell phone about a minute into the video.... ROFLMAO!!! By the way im new to the forum, nice to meet everyone....I figured this was a good first post... ;) ]]> Off Topic !!springbreaktexas When!!!!!! Wed, 02 Jun 2010 05:55:40 GMT i want to know when the darn open beta testing begins the site says its now but it doesnt look like they even update the site is this game for real? i want to know when the darn open beta testing begins the site says its now but it doesnt look like they even update the site is this game for real? ]]> Huxley Beta nate12678 Can i play huxley anywhere?? Tue, 01 Jun 2010 14:58:36 GMT Hello huys, im still new here so i still dont know much about the game but i found this game really interesting. However, i really wanted to know if... Hello huys, im still new here so i still dont know much about the game but i found this game really interesting. However, i really wanted to know if this game can be played anywhere. I'm from indonesia, so can i play this game or not?? and if i can, where must i download the game?? ]]> infernaldemon